Friday, July 3, 2009

Male Infertility and Sperm Count Tests

Male infertility has that truly posed as a concern for various many men all over the world here – especially that now that researches state that so 25 to 40 percent of couples’ infertility cases that are attributable to the male.

Here are the top 10 things that you need to know about the male infertility and sperm count tests:

1. Male infertility is a very common issue . In fact for about one in twenty males is that sub-fertile. In the United States alone even more than 2 million men are declared total infertile annually.

2. Causes of male infertility that include the disrupted formation of quality sperm and the very interference in the successful transport of the sperm right from the testes to the female partner’s vagina. If the testes or so for instance, is exposed to the high temperatures for quite a time then such would affect the formation of sperm.

3. Sperm count tests may produce even low results because of other various reasons, one of that which is genetics. There are men who are so born without the needed genetic makeup that which could spur normal sperm production.

4. The normal sperm count is that more than 20 million per milliliter. However so if your sperm count falls below this amount, it does not so necessarily mean that you have severe infertility.

Read more on good treatment for early ejaculation and low semen volume with low sperm count. Also Read more on How to cure premature ejaculation

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hydrosil Mens Health Problem

As shown by various researches, men are affected differently by health problems than women even while suffering from the same disease. And there are quite a few diseases that are exclusive of men. Hydrocele is such a typical one. It is the pathological accumulation of serous fluid next to the testicles or testis inside the scrotum making it enlarged. Hydrocele is fairly common among men and is not cancerous. A small surgery can cure the problem. A hydrocele usually occurs in one testicle but sometimes it can form over both the testes. It is not painful and can develop without any apparent reason.

Each testis is surrounded by a protective tissue which cannot be normally felt. This tissue secretes a little amount of lubricating fluid so that the testis can move freely. The fluid that is excess drains away into the veins inside the scrotum. When the balance between the fluid amount that is made and the drained amount alters, some fluid starts to accumulate around the testis forming a hydrocele.

A hydrocele looks and feels like a water-filled balloon inside the scrotum. It appears smooth and can vary in size. Large hydroceles can be found in elderly men who have never treated this swelling. Large hydroceles can cause discomfort due to the size and can hamper walking and sexual activity. The exact cause of hydrocele formation is not known and it usually occurs in men after the age of 45. Some hydroceles can form due to some problem in the testis like infection, inflammation, injury, tumors or lymphatic obstructions. In rare cases, some babies are born with a hydrocele when they have hernia. Both are treated after birth through a surgical operation.

Consulting an urologist is essential whenever the testis appears different in size or one feels any discomfort. The diagnosis of the urologist is solely on the basis of physical findings. A thorough examination of the scrotum and the testis including inspection, palpation and transillumination is needed in every case. If the hydrocele is large and surgery is not possible, the urologist drains the excess fluid with a needle and syringe. Local anesthetics are used on the overlying skin to make it painless. Sometimes, the urologist advises an ultrasound scan of the testis. This helps to find out if there are any underlying causes for such a formation.

Hydroceles can be easily cured through a simple surgery. If surgery is impossible due to age or some other medical problem, draining the fluid is the next option. However, in that case one has to keep draining the sac every now and then. If there are no major symptoms and no discomfort, hydroceles can be left alone. Surgery can always be performed whenever it starts giving discomfort.

One must always ask for professional advice from an urologist before opting for any prescription medicine, over-the-counter or OTC medicine or any other forms of treatment. Some medicines that are used in treating hydrocele are Phenol, Cepastat, Cepastat Extra Strength, Chloraseptic Gargle, Chloraspetic Mouth Pain Spray, Chloraseptic Rinse, Chloraseptic Spray, Chloraspetic Spray for Kids, Pain-A-Lay, Ulcerease and P & S Liquid Phenol.

Read more on Herbal Cure for Erectile Dysfunction and Herbal Cure for Penis Enlargement

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Increase Semen Volume Today

Several published medical reports propose that sperm counts are lessening and male fertility is in the refuse. It is reasonable to say that low sperm counts can be intimately dependent on the amount of ejaculate a man produces. So to improve your chances to impregnate your lady, you must first look at ways to increase semen volume.

Keep in mind that to get better the probability of a single sperm to survive long enough and manage to fertilize an egg cell; it is vital to increase semen volume and create huge loads of healthy sperm.

Actually, most normal men do not have difficulty generating great amounts of sperm. In fact, an average male can create sperm cells on the order of hundred millions per day. The real concern here is how to successfully release the most sperms during a sexual intercourse to warrant conception.

Some reasons men find it difficult to increase semen volume and thus sperm count, is when they take up habits such as smoking or drinking. Smoking, as we know, is not only harmful to your over-all health but can also adversely affect your capability to produce healthy sperms. The combination of excessive alcohol consumption and smoking can be extremely detrimental. Staying away from these bad habits will surely improve general sperm health and quality.

One more situation resulting to reduced ejaculate volume is the frequency of sexual activity. The more frequent a man ejaculates, the less sperms he is able to produce during each release. This is why most men choose to incorporate a dose of herbal supplements in their daily lives. These supplements, as well known as semen enhancers, not only help increase semen volume but also improve their chances to conceive.

Eating healthy, exercising regularly and quitting alcohol and smoking will generally contribute to healthier sperms and help increase semen volume. However, if all else fails, you can always try taking daily supplements. Most men have reported astonishing successes in improving fertility with these enhancers, and so can you.

Read more on How to increase sperm Count? And also read more about Male Libido Enhancer

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hydrosil Mens Health Problem

As shown by various researches, men are affected differently by health problems than women even while suffering from the same disease. And there are quite a few diseases that are exclusive of men. Hydrocele is such a typical one. It is the pathological accumulation of serous fluid next to the testicles or testis inside the scrotum making it enlarged. Hydrocele is fairly common among men and is not cancerous. A small surgery can cure the problem. A hydrocele usually occurs in one testicle but sometimes it can form over both the testes. It is not painful and can develop without any apparent reason.

Each testis is surrounded by a protective tissue which cannot be normally felt. This tissue secretes a little amount of lubricating fluid so that the testis can move freely. The fluid that is excess drains away into the veins inside the scrotum. When the balance between the fluid amount that is made and the drained amount alters, some fluid starts to accumulate around the testis forming a hydrocele.

A hydrocele looks and feels like a water-filled balloon inside the scrotum. It appears smooth and can vary in size. Large hydroceles can be found in elderly men who have never treated this swelling. Large hydroceles can cause discomfort due to the size and can hamper walking and sexual activity. The exact cause of hydrocele formation is not known and it usually occurs in men after the age of 45. Some hydroceles can form due to some problem in the testis like infection, inflammation, injury, tumors or lymphatic obstructions. In rare cases, some babies are born with a hydrocele when they have hernia. Both are treated after birth through a surgical operation.

Consulting an urologist is essential whenever the testis appears different in size or one feels any discomfort. The diagnosis of the urologist is solely on the basis of physical findings. A thorough examination of the scrotum and the testis including inspection, palpation and transillumination is needed in every case. If the hydrocele is large and surgery is not possible, the urologist drains the excess fluid with a needle and syringe. Local anesthetics are used on the overlying skin to make it painless. Sometimes, the urologist advises an ultrasound scan of the testis. This helps to find out if there are any underlying causes for such a formation.

Hydroceles can be easily cured through a simple surgery. If surgery is impossible due to age or some other medical problem, draining the fluid is the next option. However, in that case one has to keep draining the sac every now and then. If there are no major symptoms and no discomfort, hydroceles can be left alone. Surgery can always be performed whenever it starts giving discomfort.

One must always ask for professional advice from an urologist before opting for any prescription medicine, over-the-counter or OTC medicine or any other forms of treatment. Some medicines that are used in treating hydrocele are Phenol, Cepastat, Cepastat Extra Strength, Chloraseptic Gargle, Chloraspetic Mouth Pain Spray, Chloraseptic Rinse, Chloraseptic Spray, Chloraspetic Spray for Kids, Pain-A-Lay, Ulcerease and P & S Liquid Phenol.

More on Impotence and Increase Sperm Count and Correct Premature Ejaculation

Exercice To Have Body Fat Loss

Having a tire around your belly can be frustrating. Excess weight is not only bad for your health, its bad for your self-esteem too. You're not alone in this of course, the way human life is now a days, it's bound to rub off on everyone. More and more desk jobs are coming up forcing people to sit for hours on top of hours in front of a computer screen with hardly any physical activity. Add to this the rave of fast food restaurants and junk food we see all around us and you have the complete package of reasons why the world at large is growing bigger in the mid-section.

Just about all cardio workouts help in fat loss. The way your body looses fat is something you should be familiar with so you can properly gauge your results. If you're working on trimming your waist, don't expect any workout to immediately reduce your waistline, fat loss reduction will take place from all over your body. This is a good, healthy natural way of loosing fat, which ensures that you remained balanced and reasonably proportioned. Here are exercises that will help you burn the calories and loose body fat that's been making your life slow and boring;

1. Stretches: most people may be surprised to know, but stretching can actually help to loose weight. If your weight problem is not a very great one, or you're just starting to exercise, stretches will defiantly be a part of your warm up routine. But if you don't, for some reason, have the time to begin exercising immediately, at least do 10-15 minutes of stretches. This will cause visible reduction in your body fat and increase you flexibility, not to mention rev up your metabolism a good bit.

2. Walking: walking is great for your cardiovascular health as well as weight loss. Get into the habit of walking as often as you can. Plan a 30 minute walk daily. If you can't walk the whole 30 minutes, at least walk till you break into a sweat. Gradually try to increase your time as well as your pace.

3. Running: running is a great way to loose weight and tone the body. Running 1 mile helps you to burn 100 calories. Be sure to warm up before you start running. Also, if you're just starting out, don't try to make the 100 miles straight away. Give your body time to develop its stamina.

4. Stair Climbing: this is my favorite exercise, for the simple reason that you can do it at home, easily. If you're tired after a long, and simply don't want to go out and walk or run, you can make great use of the stair case in you home. Do stretches for 10 minutes followed by 10 minutes of climbing and descending stairs. You don't have to do this briskly, just at a normal pace. This activity should make you sweat and burn up to 50 calories in the 10 minutes you give to it. After the exercise, cool down by walking in you living room or hall or even you own room for about 5-10 minutes. You can gradually increase the time you spend stair climbing. Results will be visible within 2 weeks.

Read more on Divya Medohar Vati for Weight Loss .Also Read more on Cellulite cream and Slimming Supplements

Diabetes Meals

When the body does not produce or properly use insulin, the disease diabetes sets in. The hormone insulin is needed to convert starch, sugar and other food into energy that is needed for our daily life. Both genetic and environmental factors like obesity and lack of exercise can cause diabetes. A diabetes meal plan helps us in choosing the right kind and proper quantity of food that can be had by a diabetic patient. Such a meal plan will help in the improvement of blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It would also help to keep the weight in check.

People suffering from diabetes need to take extra care about their food. A good meal plan can fit in properly with the schedule and eating habits of a diabetic. It is vital that a diabetic's food is balanced with insulin and oral medications. Though this may sound difficult, the doctor and the dietitian can help the diabetic individual to create a meal plan that is suited best for him or her. Healthy food choices coupled with regular exercises would improve the overall health and prevent further complications like heart disease or hypertension.

People with diabetes can eat the same food that the family enjoys having. Since everyone benefits from healthy eating, the whole family can choose a proper and nutritious diet chart. It takes a little planning to fit one's favorite foods into the meal plan and still being able to manage blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol. Healthy eating includes eating a wide variety of green vegetables, whole grains, fruits, non-fat dairy products, beans, lean meats, poultry and fish. Watching portion sizes and including a variety of different foods can help in creating a healthy diet. One has to pick foods rich in vitamins, minerals and fibres.

The Diabetes Food Pyramid is a popular meal planning option with diabetics apart from Carbohydrate Counting and Plate Method. This plan divides food into six groups which vary in size. The largest group of grains, beans and starchy vegetables is at the bottom. The smallest group of fats, sweets and alcohol is at the top. This means one should have most servings of grains and vegetables and very little of fats and sweets. The exact number of servings would depend on one's diabetes goals, calories and nutrition needs.

Carbohydrate Counting is another method of meal planning for diabetics. This is a relatively new approach of diabetes management. Carbohydrates in our food have a direct effect on blood glucose levels. With the help of a dietitian, a diabetic person can determine the exact amount of carbohydrate that should be eaten every day. As per recent researches, the carbohydrate amount in a meal is more important than the carbohydrate type. Refined sugars like sucrose can also be included in the diet if the total carbohydrate content remains the same.

The Plate Method (changing the proportions of food on the plate) is another way of diabetes management. This method works best when a 9-inch plate is used. Here, half of the plate should have non-starchy vegetables, one quarter should have lean protein and the other quarter should be filled with some additional carbohydrates

More about Himalaya Diabecon and Natural Cure for Diabetes

Hair Care Tips

· Brush your hair regularly before going to bed each night.

· Wash your hair with a mild shampoo. Use very little but enough to cover hair completely with lather. Use a conditioner to keep hair manageable.

· Avoid brushing wet hair. This will cause the hair to stretch and finally break. Finger-dry, or use a wide-toothed comb instead of a brush to gently remove the knots.

· Restrict blow-drying your hair. The process of blow-drying is harsh on hair as it robs it of moisture.

· Avoid dyes. Use mehandi (henna) instead as a conditioner and colouring agent.

· Take a calcium supplement or drink two glasses of milk a day.

· Always hold hair dryer away from your hair. Direct air from the hair dryer down hair shaft and not directly into the roots and keep it moving.

· After a perm, never brush your hair. Instead comb hair gently.

· Trim your hair once in 7 weeks to avoid split ends.

· Avoid pulling back your hair tightly.

· Never use a rubber band on your hair as it can pull and damage hair considerably.

· Never go out in the sun without having your head covered.

· Stimulate circulation by massaging your head with oil to which some vitamin E has been added. This will make hair soft and silky.

· Never wash your hair with very hot or very cold water.

· Learn to relax. Hair loss can happen because of stress. Eat foods that are rich in vitamin B, C and E.

· Add iron and minerals in the natural form in your diet.

· If your hair is oily, cut down on fried food and fat. Drink plenty of water.

More on Dandruff Herbal Treatment and Hair Loss Treatment and Hair Care Tips

Kidneys & Related Diseases

Kidneys are two small bean shaped organs, each about the size of the fist, located on either side of the spine just above the waist at the small of the back. It is a part of the urinary system. Each kidney is about 10cm long, 5-6cm wide, 2.5cm thick and weighs between 115 to 170g in the adult human. The right kidney is situated slightly lower than the left because the liver pushes it down.

The outer portion of the kidney called cortex is composed of blood vessels and urine tubes and is supported by a fibrous matrix. Deep to the cortex lies the medulla which is divided into 10-20 conical regions called renal pyramids. Renal pyramids also known as the malphighian pyramids contains the secreting apparatus and tubules. Each pyramid together with the associated overlying cortex forms a renal lobe.

The tip of each pyramid (called a papilla) empties into a calyx, which empties into the renal pelvis. Pelvis forms a small reservoir for urine produced by the kidney. The whole kidney is covered by a membrane called renal capsule.

The cortex and the medulla are made up of nephrons, which is the most basic functional units of the kidney and each kidney contains about a millions of nephrons. Filtration, re-absorption and secretion of the blood occurs in the nephron. Each nephron is made of a glomerulus and a tubule. The glomerulus is like a miniature filtering or sieving device while the tubule is a tiny tubelike structure attached to the glomerulus.

Read more on Home Remedies For Kidney Stones . And also read on Herbal Supplements for Kidney Stonesand Herbal Remedies and Natural Remedies

What Causes Arthritis?

Find out why people get arthritis and related conditions. The cause of arthritis joint pain is unknown, but most scientists believe that heredity and lifestyle choices play a major role.

Although the exact causes are unknown, there are risk factors that have been established. Following are these risk factors:

1. Increased Age - Studies show that your risk of developing joint pain and arthritis goes up as you get older.

2. Gender - You are more likely to develop arthritis if you are female than if you are male. men are less susceptible to osteoarthritis and related conditions.

3. Weight - The heavier you are, the more stress you put on your joints. Therefore, you are more likely to develop a condition than someone who is not putting as much pressure on his or her weight-bearing joints.

4. Lifestyle/Work - Heavy lifting can stress joints and lead to joint pain and injury. If your job entails heavy lifting, or if you work out with big weights, you are more apt to develop a joint condition.

Read more on Natural Remedies for Arthritis. Also Read more on Home Remedies for Joint Painand Arthritis Home Remedies

Toned Milk Keeps Heart Healthy

Toned milk or fat free milk helps to keep the heart healthy and protected from strokes or other heart diseases — stated a a new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Scientists from several universities in the United States and Norway measured the kidney function of more than 5,000 older adults in the age group of 45 to 84. They reached the conclusion that a low or no intake can indicate poor kidney function and an extremely high risk for cardiovascular disease. People consuming more low-fat milk and milk products had lower ACR, or healthier kidney function.

The researchers found that adults who drink at least one serving of low-fat milk or milk products have 37 per cent lower odds of poor kidney function linked to heart disease than those who do not drink regularly. Health Insurance is important.

The study also suggested that the nine essential nutrients, including protein, vitamin A, vitamin D, magnesium, potassium and calcium found in milk may contribute to milk's potential heart health benefits. The U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend drinking three glasses of low fat or fat free milk each day.

Read more on Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure. Also Read more on Heart Tonic and Heart Care Products

Mnemonic devices to Improve Memory

Mnemonics (the initial “m” is silent) are clues of any kind that help us remember something, usually by causing us to associate the information we want to remember with a visual image, a sentence, or a word.

Common types of mnemonic devices include:

1. Visual images - a microphone to remember the name “Mike,” a rose for “Rosie.” Use positive, pleasant images, because the brain often blocks out unpleasant ones, and make them vivid, colorful, and three-dimensional — they’ll be easier to remember.

2. Sentences in which the first letter of each word is part of or represents the initial of what you want to remember. Millions of musicians, for example, first memorized the lines of the treble staff with the sentence “Every good boy does fine” (or “deserves favor”), representing the notes E, G, B, D, and F. Medical students often learn groups of nerves, bones, and other anatomical features using nonsense sentences.

3. Acronyms, which are initials that creates pronounceable words. The spaces between the lines on the treble staff, for example, are F, A, C, and E: FACE.

4. Rhymes and alliteration: remember learning “30 days hath September, April, June, and November”? A hefty guy named Robert can be remembered as “Big Bob” and a smiley co-worker as “Perky Pat” (though it might be best to keep such names to yourself).

5. Jokes or even off-color associations using facts, figures, and names you need to recall, because funny or peculiar things are easier to remember than mundane images.

6. “Chunking” information; that is, arranging a long list in smaller units or categories that are easier to remember. If you can reel off your Social Security number without looking at it, that’s probably because it’s arranged in groups of 3, 2, and 4 digits, not a string of 9.

7. “Method of loci”: This is an ancient and effective way of remembering a lot of material, such as a speech. You associate each part of what you have to remember with a landmark in a route you know well, such as your commute to work.

Read more on Memory Enhancement. Also Read more on Enhances Mental Awareness, Brain functionsand Memory Retention

Real Health Benefits Of Colon Cleanse

Unlike other detox processes, fad diets, and "out of the ordinary" nutritional programs, colon cleansing is a bodily strategy which actually works. For people who have put themselves through a colon cleanse - the benefits will be obvious. For those who are yet to do so, or who are unsure of what to expect - here is a list of scientifically proven health benefits of a full colon cleanse:

* Removal of excess toxins and unprocessed foods
* Weight loss of 10 - 20 pounds, as a result of this elimination
* Prevention of constipation, bloating, and flatulence
* Killing of nasty parasites, which can lead to very dangerous medical conditions
* Prevention of painful indigestion symptoms

Each of the things above presents a significant risk to your long term health. Obesity is known to cause a multitude of issues with the human body - hence losing 10 to 20 pounds is something which we should all be set on achieving. Additionally, constipation, bloating and flatulence are all part and parcel or the obesity problem - meaning that at the end of the day - it's best to tackle all of these issues in a timely fashion.

Finally, it should be noted that these health effects are real. This is not just a hearsay wish list of the things we would "like" to see in a colon cleansing system. Instead, it is a list of scientific fact, based upon real evidence and real results. The only way you could really stand a chance of seeing whether these are true or not is by doing a colon cleanse yourself.

There is no wonder why over the past year, a dramatic increase has been experienced with the number of people putting themselves through the colon cleansing process.

Read more on Colon CleanserAlso Read more on Home Remedies for Constipation and Triphala Herbal Supplements

Menstruatiom and leucorrhea


Whether characterized by emotional our bursts, depression food cravings, cramp or a number of other symptoms, pre menstrual (PMS) as well known as pre menstrual tension (PMT) affects most menstruating women to some degree. Cramp during menstruation is caused by the body's production of prostate gladdens hormone like substances that make the muscles of the uterus contract in painful spasms. Even women who never suffer from period pains, acne or any of the other symptoms of PMS may be losing enough iron throughout their periods to make them likely candidates for anemia. Iron deficiency anemia occurs in 67% of women whose menstrual loss exceeds 80 ml (just over 5 tablespoons), according to researchers. While 80 ml is considered a somewhat heavy menstrual flow, it isn't too far from average. Most women lose between 60 and 500 ml. He as well believes that women with heavy blood loss throughout menstrual periods are 'at high risk' of developing anemia. In the greater part of healthy women, the normal menstrual cycle is of 26 to 30 days, with the exceptions connected with childbirth. Except in some cases disorders like amenorrhoea (the nonattendance of menstruation) menorrhoea (extreme bleeding throughout menses), and dysmenorrhoea (pain attending the procedure of menstruation) appear.

AMENORRHOEA: -Amenorrhoea may be due to anaemia, bad feeding want of fresh air and all causes which depress the system and cause loss of flesh, tend to cause diminution and finally stoppage of the menses diseases like malaria, aggravated dyspepsia, tuberculosis and sudden fright, great grief may also extreme bleeding during menses may be due to a certain extent to the similar general conditions which precipitate scanty discharge of blood.

DYSMENORRHOEA: - Dysmenorrhoea may vary from mere discomfort to an agonizing colic, accompanied by prostration and vomiting. Anemia is from time to time a cause of painful menstruation as well as of stoppage of this function. Occasional pain, especially when it precedes the menstrual period, is due to irritation in ovary, and in this case it is generally accompanied by pain in the groin. For this type of pain careful regulation of the bowels, standard exercise and the application of heat may be of advantage.

Painful menstruation is an abnormal state resulting from the wrong type of diet and an unnatural way of living. Too much of addiction to tea and pain killers to relieve the headache, addiction to refined and fried foods, lack of exercise all these factors contribute to constipation in some cases of dysmenorrhoea. The main cause of this malady is constipation and less than normal in take of water. Some girls purposely try to curb their in take of water so that they do not have to visit the toilet to relieve their bladders. This bad habit aggravates constipation which is at the root of painful menstruation.

The patients should give up refined foods, polished rice, sugar and potatoes. Foods like fruit and boiled vegetables. Mainly greens with plenty of roughage should be the mainstay of the diet. They will help relieve contiveness.

LEUCORRHOEA: - Leucorrhoea or the whites is a symptom of many diseases peculiar to women. It consists of white watery discharge from the uterus; hence the name whites. The discharge may be thick & white consisting mainly of pus, it the patient is suffering from a serious disorders of the genital organs, but in most cases it is catarrhal and chronic in nature. In mild cases the discharge follows or precedes the menstrual flow but in more severe cases, it continues throughout the intervening period. Patients suffering from this look pale and a dull, gnawing pain is frequently experienced in the lower part of the back.

CAUSES: - The cause of the disease, according to doctors is some infection, chronic inflammation of the womb following child bearing and gonorrhea. The symptoms of Leucorrhoea look like those of nasal catarrh or coryza so much that it may be termed the catarrh of the womb. Both are marked by discharge of watery or thick humors and create the typical symptoms of ill health, like a pale face, loss of appetite, weakness and weariness on the slightest exertion. Nature selects the diseases organ to expel the poisons from the system. Unani have effective remedy for Leucorrhoea.

Read More on irregular Menstruation Treatement. Also Read more on Home Remedies for Menstruation and Home Remedies For Leucorrhoea

Beauty Tip

Everybody wants to seem beautiful and we all can. Little simple tips will help you change your looks and your lives – but keep in mind you can be nothing without confidence – and yes, it is all about inner beauty at the end of the day!

Beauty Tip

For smoother skin: To cleanse and exfoliate your skin, massage handfuls of Epsom Salt over your wet skin, starting with feet and continuing up towards the face. Then, pour two cups of Epsom Salt into a bath of warm water. Sit back and relax. The natural action will soften your skin while easing the kinks and stiffness in your muscles.

Homemade Mask: For normal to oily skin, mix 1 tablespoon of cognac, 1 egg, 1/4 cup of nonfat dry milk, the juice of 1 lemon, and a half-teaspoon of Epsom Salt.

For normal to dry skin mix 1/4 cup of grated carrot, 1 1/2 teaspoons of mayonnaise and a half-teaspoon of Epsom Salt.

Apply the mask in the shower, to your damp face, to lock in the moisture.

Read more on Beauty TipsAlso Read more on Shahnaz Hussain Herbaland Lakme Beauty

Tips on Dental Care

Dental care involves taking good care of the gums, teeth and all connected structures of the mouth. Dental care also includes prevention and treatment of diseases of the gum and teeth, and as well the substitute or repair of defective teeth. Here are few tips on how to make sure that mouth remains healthy by doing these simple dental care tips.

Most of the people may undergo from dental diseases due to sheer laziness. Most of them refuse to brush frequently and thus the preventative fraction is not there. This, of course, occurs mostly to the children, except as well with adults that do not take the time to brush and floss. Proper dental health is significant to maintain healthy physical looks. Ever look at someone with yellow teeth that smiles broadly at people. Do they feel like smiling back, or are they wondering if they know what is going on in there!

The number one dental tip to keep those cavities and gum difficulty away is to keep the dentist and/or hygienist happy by standard brushing and flossing of teeth. It can be quite upsetting to see a patient who deliberately comes in for a Polish and Scale every 4-6 months because they do not plan on clean their teeth habitually. For some reason, some people believe that going for scale and polish regularly renders at-home cleaning obsolete, however, this is not the fact.

The next dental tip goes hand in hand with the regular at-home dental care. Going dental to check-ups will keep and eye one how the gums and teeth are and let people be familiar with of any dental troubles before things progress too far. The frequency of the checks will vary depending on the own dental health and how well to uphold it. Usually patients go for a check and a Scale and polish every 6 months, some patients with gum trouble/disease will likely have to be seen more often, and the best patients who care for their teeth will have a check once a year at the very least.

No surprise that maintaining good dental health can be a little expensive. Finding good dental insurance that covers the costs of the dental treatments is a must if some one is going to maintain outstanding dental hygiene. A schedule check up is always mandatory and good dental insurance will afford them that luxury at least twice a year.

Dental care is more than an occasional brushing of the teeth and an afterthought regarding flossing. People should get themselves to the dentist to see where they are now and start working to improve their dental hygiene. Dental care is extremely important and people should start by smiling and looking in the mirror. If they do not find it good what they see then it is time to make a change. They should tart brushing regularly, floss all of their teeth at least twice a day, and use mouthwash that is designed to kill plaque instantly; doing these three things will ensure them to have healthy happy teeth for years to come.

Read more on Tooth Whitening. Also Read more on Home Remedies for Bad Breath and Herbal Toothpaste

Monday, June 22, 2009

How to Avail Best Skin Care

If you're wondering on how to get the most excellent skin care for yourself, then you needn't look further than the local grocery store. This isn't something to frown at, cosmetics and chemically made products all tend to tax our skin more than they help us. The facial skin particularly is the most sensitive area in the whole body, the skin here is the thinnest layer.

Here are some of the most excellent ways to take care of your skin;

1. Drink lots of water: water is your best beauty product. Water takes away toxins from the body and improves blood circulation. Getting up early in the sunrise and having a cold glass of water will rejuvenate your mind and body and your skin will gain a natural glow.

2. Lemon Water: taking hot water with lemon as fraction of breakfast drink can not only help to refresh you, except the vitamin C is great for the texture of your skin. It smoothens it out, helps prevent wrinkles, and of course, it's a great way to look fresh. This is a time tested skin tonic and has been used for centuries.

3. Green Tea: although tea of any kind is great for your skin, green tea is probably the best for one thing, because it also helps in weight loss, if you have a double chin you'd like to kill, this is a great way to do it. And because of its antioxidant properties, it particularly purifies your skin, removing all dirt and grime. During the day, dust particles and pollution present in the environment attacks or exposed skin. This is one of the leading factors that cause wrinkling, loss of luster and skin diseases. Green tea expedites the body's natural process of cleaning itself. It speeds up the production of new skin cells and helps to shed old skin cells faster. So take a cup of green tea on a daily basis.

4. Exfoliation: exfoliation is the procedure of removing dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. Our body naturally grows new skin cells every 28 days or so. Other than due to the dirt and smog present in the environment, the dead cells don't fall of in total as they should. Many remain stuck to the skin. This has multiple harms; not only does this prevent the new skin from breathing; it blocks the pores and lets germs accumulate. These germs then cause the skin to break out. A healthy skin care practice is to exfoliate regularly. Most excellent time for exfoliation is throughout a bath. Once a month, after you've had a nice hot bath, take a soft pumice or sponge and quietly rub it on your body. You don't have to be rough because the hot bath will have softened the cells and they will just need a little formal elimination. Making a practice of using a bath sponge is a great way to keep your skin healthy and glowing.

5. Balanced Diet: this may sound like a cliché, other than it's not. You require a balanced diet if you truthfully want to see you skin happy and fit. Nothing will keep your skin more youthful than a diet complete in the fundamental nutrients. Try to focus on getting more fresh vegetables and fruits.

Read more on Skin Problem .Also Read more on Leucoderma Herbal Treatment and Psoriases Herbal Treatment

Best Cure for Depression

Thousands of people suffer from depression every year ranging from mild occasional bouts of depression to long term and more serious forms of clinical depression. The basic answer could be that there is no such known cure for depression as it is a very personalized thing. Instead it would depend on the person and what would cause that depression to happen in the first place.

Depression is not known to be a lifelong disease but it's only a temporary state of the mind where everything around us looks extremely dull, bleak and sad all of a sudden. Often change in the environment or medication may help the patient get over depression. An antidepressant is a psychiatric medication and highly recommended which is used to enhance mood disorders for instance major depression and dysthymia. Many drugs including the monoamine oxidase inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and serotonin-nor epinephrine reuptake inhibitors are quite often connected to the term.

Stress in the work place can take a toll on you both physically as well as mentally. Job stress due to conflicts among co-workers or even your boss or the stress caused by simply being in the wrong job for you that you hate and that is contrary to your own nature can cause sleeplessness, physical problems such as high blood pressure, and result in depression. In a case such as this, the best cure for depression is to learn ways in which to cope with the stress and switching to a new job or a new career.

In some cases, people have trouble while sleeping and the lack of proper rest can make you feel lethargic, extremely tired, run down, get irritable and experience a mild form of depression. Using aromatic bath salts or even an aromatherapy spray can help a person relax and get to sleep. Yes, it could be the best possible cure for depression in a unique case such as this.

If your depression is stemming from a physical condition such as being overweight or the hormonal changes are tend to be associated with menopause. In cases such like this, the best cure for depression is going to be to speak with you health care provider and to discuss the treatment options, changes in diet, new exercise, or natural hormonal supplements that can address the physical conditions that are causing the depression.

The same can be said for depression caused by an imbalance in chemicals. The best cure of depression may be to change most medications or to try a new one as well. This is something that you need to work closely with your health care provider in order to determine.

Some cases of depression may require therapy, lifestyle changes, acquiring new skills, and also a form of medical intervention. The truth is that the only real "best cure for depression" is getting to know yourself better and then understanding what the underlying cause of the depression is; keeping in mind that depression is often a symptom of something else. When a person understands his own depression and what makes it unique from everyone else then you will be on the road to finding your own best cure for depression.

Read more on Yoga for Depression and Depression Home Remedies

Friday, June 19, 2009

Top 11 Tips for Hair

Most people want their hair silky and hair shiny. No matter what the type of hair they have, be it short, oily, dry, thin, straight, curly, long all want their hair to seem good and controllable.

Hair Care Tips

  1. Do not shampoo your hair day by day. Hair that has not been washed for a day or 2 is easier to style. Actually washing your hair once every 2 or 3 days will actually make your hair healthy. Washing your hair on a daily basis robs hair of essential oils and dries your scalp and hair.

  1. If you have oily hair squirt water at the roots. Water adds raise to the hair roots. You can sprinkle some baby powder to the roots of the hair also. For dry coarse hair condition the ends of your hair well every time you clean them.

  1. If you wish for to tie your hair up in a bun, keep the bun loose. Finger comb your hair into a short disheveled bun.

  1. For sexy wavy hair make use of a sea salt spray. Combine sea salts in water and fill a spray bottle. Squirt sea salt on damp hair, crumple your hair and let it air dry. As most of us have hair that has a natural wave and the sea salts will bring it out.

  1. While blow drying your hair finger comb your hair and divide the tangles with your fingers. Dry your hair in this manner till your hair is almost dry and after that uses a brush.

  1. Layering hair with bangs is the ideal hairstyle. Keep the bangs thick and heavy or select side swept bangs. Side swept bangs paired with long layers seem gorgeous.

  1. Coloring your hair is one more hair treatment alternative. It is a nice modify from the way you normally look. But decide a hair color that will suit your skin color. Ask a expert to help you select the correct color for your skin tone.

  1. Cut your hair in layers, this will make you seem a lot younger.

  1. While curling your hair earlier than using Velcro rollers use curling irons. Squirt your dry hair with styling spray and after that use a medium curling iron to curl 2 inch sections of hair earlier than rolling hair in Velcro rollers.

  1. Color your hair everyday. Color your hair every 28 days by doing this you may truly stop your hair from getting damaged.

  1. For shiny hair insert a few drops of shine serum to water and squirt it on to your hair.

Read more on Hair Care Guide and Hair Loss Remedy and Also Read more on Hair Treatment

Men's Sexual Health

Impotence (erectile dysfunction)

Impotence is an on-going inability to achieve or to keep up an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. The likelihood of being affected rises with age. Anything interfering with blood stream to the penis can lead to impotence. Anxiety, depression, disease, injury, and medication are common causes.

Many men are reluctant to talk about impotence except in most men it can be treated. A range of treatment alternatives are obtainable including psychotherapy, prescription medicines and devices. Drugs like sildenafil (eg Viagra) are extremely effective in treating some forms of impotence. However, they can have serious side-effects and should only be taken

Sexually transmitted infections

Some of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are chlamydia, genital warts and genital herpes. Using barrier methods of contraception, like condoms, can decrease the threat of getting many STIs.

Prevention of disease - a healthy lifestyle

Eat well

A healthy diet does not mean you have to stop eating certain foods, it just means eating a wide variety of foods as part of a balanced diet. Ideally, this should include:

  • carbohydrates, like bread, milk and rice - making up at least a third of your every day diet
  • protein, such as meat, fish and beans or lentils
  • fats, like butter, which should be no more than a 3rd of your every day diet
  • fruit and vegetables, at least 5 portions a day
  • less than 6 grams of salt per day

Be active

Activities like brisk walking make your heart work harder and can get better your health. Exercising for 30 minutes a day, 5 times a week offers significant health benefits. Those 30 minutes don't have to be nonstop. You can do them in 2 sessions of 15 minutes to fit them into your every day routine.

Manage stress

If you feel you can't manage you may be feeling stressed. This could be connected to work or your way of life. Take steps to decrease the stress in your life and try to change the way you respond to it. Consider relaxation methods (like meditation or yoga), pace yourself by tackling one task at a time and set time aside to calm down. Men's health care includes mental also as bodily well-being.

Read more on Male Impotence and Male libido enhancer Also Read more on Men's health care

Muscle Power Diets

Where do you think muscles come from? Is muscle power the child of a vigorous gym workout? Or is there than meets the eye? When you see all those muscular people pumping iron at the gym, you only see half of the picture. What you don't see is what those power houses have running in their blood stream. I'm talking about the nutrients. Muscle building is a war that is either half won or totally lost on the dinner table. This article discusses how you can, and should, eat to enhance your muscle power.

1. Eat 6 Meals a Day: when your building muscle you can't let your body stay deprived of nutrition for long periods of time or it will begin storing fat, thinking that it's starving. Giving the body a healthy 6 meals a day lets it know that there is abundance of nutrition and it need not store fat, rather build muscle. The rest of the stimulus comes from your workout in the gym.

2. Eat More Calories: incase you're wondering whether you'll be eating more calories when you take up the 6 meal schedule, the answer is 'YES'. When you eat for muscle, you eat differently then you o for weight loss. Your body needs energy to carry out the intense gym routines and it needs energy as well as nutrients to build the muscle. The simple rule of thumb goes...'eat more calories than your likely to burn in a day'.

3. Increase Protein: muscle building is the outcome of protein syntheses. Proteins are the riches and easiest source of amino acids, the building blocks of nature. When your building muscle, your body needs a high protein diet, as high as 50 percent of your total diet. Get protein from white meat such as chicken and fish. If you still feel that you're not getting results, try adding some red meat in there too. Taking a protein based meal 30 minutes earlier than a workout ensures that your body has a healthy supply of energy and amino acids when the workout is over.

4. Carbohydrates: while cutting down on carbs is a good thought if you're loosing weight; you need the carbs when you build muscle. Muscle building workouts burn the glycogen stored in the body. The glycogen is the outcome of carbs your body converted into energy. Whenever you eat a carbohydrate, it is broken down into sugars that end up in the blood stream. These sugars turn into glycogen, which is like the storage facility for the body's energy. Make carbs about 40% of your diet.

5. Fats: fats are not the enemy, eating surplus and not having ay place to expend all the energy is. Your body requires an exact amount of fat for its normal functioning. This fat of course does not mean the greasy junk food and fast food that has become the brand ambassador for the poor nutrient. The kind of fat that you should be taking is found in olive and avocadoes. Concentrate on getting the maximum unsaturated fats because these are good for both your arteries and heart. You should also take a small quantity of saturated fats because they help the testosterone levels. All in all fats should take up about 15-20% of your diet.

Keep in mind that your diet will be the deciding factor in how successful your weight loss program is.

Read more on Men Health Problems and Dental Care Problems

Thursday, June 18, 2009

How to Relieve Lower Back Pain

The lower back portion of our body is a vulnerable part as it acts as the fulcrum between the upper and lower body. Most people nearing the age of 40 and above are plagued by lower back pain. The huge number of remedies available in the market proves beyond doubt the problem is rising. Our lifestyle and work culture need us to sit for long hours in a fixed position. Rarely do we get time to exercise properly. Lack of suppleness in the vertebrae and no muscle strength injures and strains the lower back. As a result, one can experience different types of lower back pain.

A lower back pain can occur all of a sudden. It is usually the result of a damaged muscle, ligament or tendon in the lower back. Sometimes, an accident or an attempt to lift a heavy object can cause injury to one or more vertebrae and lead to lower back pain. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen can often treat such acute pain. A change in lifestyle, physiotherapy, exercise, massage, chiropractic manipulation and acupuncture are quite helpful in providing relief.

Lower back pain can also become a chronic disorder. Its progress usually goes unnoticed as it sets in over a long period of time. It is far more serious than acute lower back pain because the cause behind it includes degenerative disc disease, degenerative arthritis, spinal disc herniation, rheumatoid arthritis and even cancer. Once an X-ray or MRI confirms chronic pain, surgery is usually the only option. When degenerative problems cause the pain, doctors need to cure the disease along with providing low back pain relief.

A lifestyle devoid of normal movements often leads to chronic lower back pain. In such cases, the patient has to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Walking, stretching and other exercises can help to solve the problem as they can strengthen the back. Yoga is very helpful in cases where the spine has lost its natural range of motion and flexibility. Correcting one's sitting and standing postures can also bring some relief. An ergonomically designed office chair has cured many cases of lower back pain.

Effective low back pain relief is obtained from a combination of various remedies and drugs. However, patients need to check with the doctor before trying any drug. Many over-the-counter or OTC drugs like aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen help to reduce swelling, stiffness and moderate back pain. Topical sprays or creams stimulate the nerves and blood flow and reduce the pain.

Painkillers like codeine, hydrocodone, morphine or oxycodone are used to treat severe and chronic back pain. But they must be used under a doctor's supervision for a short period of time. If the lower back pain does not go after all such treatments, patients need to follow other options like spinal manipulation, acupuncture, traction and biofeedback.

Lower back pain can be extremely painful and should not be taken lightly. Taking medications to get relief from the acute pain is okay only if the doctor doesn't find any serious cause behind the problem. Antidepressants relieve pain and help us to get sleep. It alters the chemicals in the brain to lift the mood. Anticonvulsants are also useful in treating the pain.

Read more on Backache Home Remedies and Back Pain Treatment

Tips for Low Sperm Count

Oligospermia or low sperm count is one cause of male infertility and the most embarrassing situation for men.

A standard sperm count is 20 million or more sperm per milliliter of semen. In order to father a child, at least 60% of those sperm should have a normal shape (including the tail) and show normal forward movement (motility). However, it does not mean that this number is fixed because many men who have a low sperm count can father a child while others having a normal sperm count are powerless to bear a child.

If you want to find out if you have a low sperm count or mot, a medical evaluation can be completed for the similar. If you have low sperm count, there are few belongings that can help you the most. These tips are simple and easy and not difficult to keep in mind or put in to practice.

• Daily exercise assists in reducing stress and improves you capability to ejaculate. However, be careful as extreme exercise can as well harm. In addition, some exercises may cause bad impact on the testicles, such as cycling

• The second thing to keep in mind is that more frequently a man ejaculates, the less thick semen will be. Maintain a gap of 3 days between successive ejaculations

• Stay away from smoking and drinking alcohol if you do not wish to have low sperm count. The sperm of men who smoke is frequently misshapen and move more gradually than non-smoker’s. Smoking can also damage sperm’s DNA. Heavy drinking decreases the quality and quantity of sperm. Combination of smoking and drinking is particularly more harmful and contributes vastly towards low sperm count

• Massage your body with herbal massage oil to get better blood circulation. Wear loose clothing and stay away from hot baths and saunas, they contribute towards low sperm count

• Try to have sex in the early morning or in afternoon as it is thought that sperm levels are highest in the morning and afternoon as compared to evening and night

• Continue a high protein, low fat diet that is rich in vegetables and whole grains. Try to stay away from bitter and spicy foods. There are as well ranges of vitamin that may help with low sperm count

• Try to use natural herbal supplements and vitamins that may help with low sperm count

If you want to get a natural herbal supplement for your low sperm count, you can get it online.

There are lots of supplements for low sperm count available online. All these are herbal supplements as so far no instruction drugs for the treatment of low sperm count are obtainable.

Native people have been using the herbs and roots since long centuries and they find these herbs extremely potent and helpful. Herbal supplements for low sperm count are made from these customarily used herbs and most men have benefited very much from these herbal supplements.

Read more on Increase Sperm Count and Erectile Dysfunction

Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction

It may seem silly to discuss the symptoms of erectile dysfunction since it shows up in such an obvious way. If you have it, there is one main symptom that you observe. A symptom is defined as a circumstance that signifies the attendance of something else. In this case, the erectile dysfunction is the symptom.

Erectile dysfunction, however, is usually the outcome of some other underlying condition. This underlying circumstance could be either psychological or bodily. Neurological and hormonal conditions as well as diseases can start the onset of erectile dysfunction. In more severe situations, erectile dysfunction can be the result of anxiety or depression.

With improvements in medical science and longer and healthier life spans, many continue to enjoy sexual pursuits in their golden years. This, in addition to the fact that erectile dysfunction take place to a greater percentage of men who are around 65 years of age shows the seriousness of this problem.

When a person cannot come across fulfillment in sex, a natural function in life, it can affect the individual psychologically. With erectile dysfunction as a symptom, it shows that one more disease or cause exists. This is why the treatment of erectile dysfunction can be so difficult. There is frequently an underlying condition that also requires treatment.

Aside from the obvious symptoms of erectile dysfunction, there are lots of other physical symptoms that may accompany it. 1 example of this would be high blood pressure. Diabetes is one more possible reason and symptoms would include a constant thirst as well as high blood sugar levels. These are only 2 of the possible subjects that can be connected to erectile dysfunction.

Psychological symptoms can as well be seen when there is a case of erectile dysfunction. Chronic depression is frequently linked with this condition. It can be complicated to determine if depression is due to impotence or if it is the reason behind the impotence. Either situation can cause the other.

Performance anxiety may seem ridiculous other than is known to be one of the main reasons for erectile dysfunction if other medical reasons cannot be detected. It can take place for a man who has not had an active sex life for a comparatively long time. This could be because of being divorced or widowed, for example. Nervousness about starting to have an energetic sex life can make one apprehensive regarding his performance. It can cause real impotence. An outline of self doubt and lack of confidence can start if one starts to believe they cannot execute sexually.

It is up to you to sit down with your medical doctor and try to determine what the actual causes of the condition are. Without a clear diagnostic test, it will be almost unworkable to treat. Erectile dysfunction can be treated with some instructions, like Cialis or Viagra and there are other treatments if deemed needed. It is still important to have a thorough medical diagnosis.

Read more on Herbal Cure for Impotence and Herbal Cure for Erectile Dysfunction