Whether characterized by emotional our bursts, depression food cravings, cramp or a number of other symptoms, pre menstrual (PMS) as well known as pre menstrual tension (PMT) affects most menstruating women to some degree. Cramp during menstruation is caused by the body's production of prostate gladdens hormone like substances that make the muscles of the uterus contract in painful spasms. Even women who never suffer from period pains, acne or any of the other symptoms of PMS may be losing enough iron throughout their periods to make them likely candidates for anemia. Iron deficiency anemia occurs in 67% of women whose menstrual loss exceeds 80 ml (just over 5 tablespoons), according to researchers. While 80 ml is considered a somewhat heavy menstrual flow, it isn't too far from average. Most women lose between 60 and 500 ml. He as well believes that women with heavy blood loss throughout menstrual periods are 'at high risk' of developing anemia. In the greater part of healthy women, the normal menstrual cycle is of 26 to 30 days, with the exceptions connected with childbirth. Except in some cases disorders like amenorrhoea (the nonattendance of menstruation) menorrhoea (extreme bleeding throughout menses), and dysmenorrhoea (pain attending the procedure of menstruation) appear.
AMENORRHOEA: -Amenorrhoea may be due to anaemia, bad feeding want of fresh air and all causes which depress the system and cause loss of flesh, tend to cause diminution and finally stoppage of the menses diseases like malaria, aggravated dyspepsia, tuberculosis and sudden fright, great grief may also extreme bleeding during menses may be due to a certain extent to the similar general conditions which precipitate scanty discharge of blood.
DYSMENORRHOEA: - Dysmenorrhoea may vary from mere discomfort to an agonizing colic, accompanied by prostration and vomiting. Anemia is from time to time a cause of painful menstruation as well as of stoppage of this function. Occasional pain, especially when it precedes the menstrual period, is due to irritation in ovary, and in this case it is generally accompanied by pain in the groin. For this type of pain careful regulation of the bowels, standard exercise and the application of heat may be of advantage.
Painful menstruation is an abnormal state resulting from the wrong type of diet and an unnatural way of living. Too much of addiction to tea and pain killers to relieve the headache, addiction to refined and fried foods, lack of exercise all these factors contribute to constipation in some cases of dysmenorrhoea. The main cause of this malady is constipation and less than normal in take of water. Some girls purposely try to curb their in take of water so that they do not have to visit the toilet to relieve their bladders. This bad habit aggravates constipation which is at the root of painful menstruation.
The patients should give up refined foods, polished rice, sugar and potatoes. Foods like fruit and boiled vegetables. Mainly greens with plenty of roughage should be the mainstay of the diet. They will help relieve contiveness.
LEUCORRHOEA: - Leucorrhoea or the whites is a symptom of many diseases peculiar to women. It consists of white watery discharge from the uterus; hence the name whites. The discharge may be thick & white consisting mainly of pus, it the patient is suffering from a serious disorders of the genital organs, but in most cases it is catarrhal and chronic in nature. In mild cases the discharge follows or precedes the menstrual flow but in more severe cases, it continues throughout the intervening period. Patients suffering from this look pale and a dull, gnawing pain is frequently experienced in the lower part of the back.
CAUSES: - The cause of the disease, according to doctors is some infection, chronic inflammation of the womb following child bearing and gonorrhea. The symptoms of Leucorrhoea look like those of nasal catarrh or coryza so much that it may be termed the catarrh of the womb. Both are marked by discharge of watery or thick humors and create the typical symptoms of ill health, like a pale face, loss of appetite, weakness and weariness on the slightest exertion. Nature selects the diseases organ to expel the poisons from the system. Unani have effective remedy for Leucorrhoea.
Read More on irregular Menstruation Treatement. Also Read more on Home Remedies for Menstruation and Home Remedies For Leucorrhoea
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