The Weight loss beginners should also remember that getting in shape should not be done at the cost of fitness and hence a good exercise routine needs to be maintained along with a healthy diet. For maintaining a healthy diet it is essential to have plenty of water along with healthy meals for the body. Through this diet you can stay in shape and yet provide the body with adequate nutrients. But it is best to avoid starvation and healthy meals at frequent intervals need to be provided to the body.
Most dieticians today suggest that the beginners should have at least 6 meals should every day, which should be at a span of three hours so that the metabolism rate of the body is constantly working. Through these means you can lose fat and weight with regular exercising. It should also be ensured that these 6 meals should also include healthy fats and carbohydrates, which are essential for the body to function properly, but their quantities should be reduced.
It has been proven through studies that eating less and starving will eventually lead to fatigue and weakness in the body and ultimately you will start looking ghastly instead of looking fit and not fat. Those who are beginning exercises for the first time or are beginning exercising after a number of years should remember that you need to be regular and consistent with these exercises. This implies that you should workout at least 5 days a week but should not over exert yourself. Even the body needs to be provided enough rest in between these exercising periods for remaining motivated.
Else the body gets over exerted and tired instead of responding to these exercises. Since there are many different kinds of exercises available today, you should select one that meets the body requirements. An important part of getting in shape is to perform some sort of aerobic exercises. These exercises include jogging, walking, swimming, dancing and other forms of cardio exercises and all these exercises need to be done for at least half an hour to 40 minutes for losing weight.
After completing these cardio and aerobic exercises you should try and do certain floor exercises and weight training exercises like stomach crunches, leg lifting, side leg lifts and other forms of exercises. This is essential because these exercises help in toning the muscles of different parts of the body and help them to firm up and lose weight. But again, no muscle groups should be trained on consecutive days to avoid exertion.
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