Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Exercice To Have Body Fat Loss

Having a tire around your belly can be frustrating. Excess weight is not only bad for your health, its bad for your self-esteem too. You're not alone in this of course, the way human life is now a days, it's bound to rub off on everyone. More and more desk jobs are coming up forcing people to sit for hours on top of hours in front of a computer screen with hardly any physical activity. Add to this the rave of fast food restaurants and junk food we see all around us and you have the complete package of reasons why the world at large is growing bigger in the mid-section.

Just about all cardio workouts help in fat loss. The way your body looses fat is something you should be familiar with so you can properly gauge your results. If you're working on trimming your waist, don't expect any workout to immediately reduce your waistline, fat loss reduction will take place from all over your body. This is a good, healthy natural way of loosing fat, which ensures that you remained balanced and reasonably proportioned. Here are exercises that will help you burn the calories and loose body fat that's been making your life slow and boring;

1. Stretches: most people may be surprised to know, but stretching can actually help to loose weight. If your weight problem is not a very great one, or you're just starting to exercise, stretches will defiantly be a part of your warm up routine. But if you don't, for some reason, have the time to begin exercising immediately, at least do 10-15 minutes of stretches. This will cause visible reduction in your body fat and increase you flexibility, not to mention rev up your metabolism a good bit.

2. Walking: walking is great for your cardiovascular health as well as weight loss. Get into the habit of walking as often as you can. Plan a 30 minute walk daily. If you can't walk the whole 30 minutes, at least walk till you break into a sweat. Gradually try to increase your time as well as your pace.

3. Running: running is a great way to loose weight and tone the body. Running 1 mile helps you to burn 100 calories. Be sure to warm up before you start running. Also, if you're just starting out, don't try to make the 100 miles straight away. Give your body time to develop its stamina.

4. Stair Climbing: this is my favorite exercise, for the simple reason that you can do it at home, easily. If you're tired after a long, and simply don't want to go out and walk or run, you can make great use of the stair case in you home. Do stretches for 10 minutes followed by 10 minutes of climbing and descending stairs. You don't have to do this briskly, just at a normal pace. This activity should make you sweat and burn up to 50 calories in the 10 minutes you give to it. After the exercise, cool down by walking in you living room or hall or even you own room for about 5-10 minutes. You can gradually increase the time you spend stair climbing. Results will be visible within 2 weeks.

Read more on Divya Medohar Vati for Weight Loss .Also Read more on Cellulite cream and Slimming Supplements

1 comment:

Michael said...

yes i am total agree with your third point...

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